2022 Goodwill Community Employee of the Year: Harold Gibbon

When Harold first arrived at Goodwill to meet with the community employment training team, his confidence level and eye contact were minimal, and he seemed unsure about his own abilities. But look up determination in the dictionary now and you might just see his picture next to it.

Because Harold just needed to find the right fit and he could prove to everyone – and himself – that he had unlimited potential.

Goodwill specialists worked with Harold to develop his confidence and placed him in a job at a local rehabilitation facility that allowed him to focus on his work routine. As he grew more comfortable in the work environment, his true personality and work ethic began to show. Residents and staff found that Harold had a great sense of humor and was as dependable as they come.

Harold loves his work at the rehabilitation facility and the residents love him back. Not only does he help them on a day-to-day basis, but they have helped him feel important and appreciated.

Through the power of work, Harold’s determination and confidence have soared. He always shows up to work on time, learns quickly, and puts in 110% – often covering extra shifts for his colleagues. Overall, he has become more independent and his confidence level has hit an all-time high.

Since coming to Goodwill, Harold has made great strides in achieving his goals, but he’s not done yet. With his determination, there is no doubt he can achieve anything he wants.